About Me


I always had a love for everything design. From interior design, web design, now print design (wedding invites!). I guess I discovered this as a kid sharing the bedroom with my sisters...and always rearranging the furnitures every three to four months (even though the furnitures was the same!). And making curtains out of our bed sheets (just pinning them randomly to the windows to create valance). Good thing they didn't mind and had fun too.

What I learned is that people can buy the priciest furnitures, the priciest accents, but if you can't arrange it or put things together, it just doesn't work. Here's where the matter of having a good design eye comes in...and I have passion on finding the same thing at a much lower price. Therefore, I usually shop at Marshalls, Target, and HomeGoods for our home. And when I'm in awe over something from PB, Ballard Designs, and West Elm, I usually wait and ninja the replica at a much more affordable price!

Valley Furniture
American Green Realty
LuvFab Clothing Accessories Beauty SupplyBeauty by Threading